Our frequently asked questions

Brokerage Service

Yes, we do. As part of our inventory advisory services, we inspect properties and provide recommendations for maintenance, repairs, and renovations to enhance property value.

You can browse available rental properties on the MWML Real Estate website's marketplace.

Simply click on the "Contact Us" icon on our real estate website.

We conduct property inspections twice a year.

You can explore available properties for lease on our website's marketplace.

We accept bank transfers for rent and associated fees.

We do not encourage subletting.

  • A letter appointing MWML as the manager of your real estate portfolio, specifying all properties to be managed.
  • Completed asset management account opening form.
  • Two passport photographs.
  • Proof of identification such as a driver's license, passport, or NIN.
  • Utility bill.
  • Power of Attorney.
  • Executed agreement.

Yes, we also provide joint venture opportunities.